⚡Exciting news! Introducing Judy your AI assistant and announcing raising seed investments.  Invest@judy.ai

Building the future of AI for better companies and people.

Judy AI streamlines operations and health needs through ML and  generative AI to improve healthy outcomes.

Future of Work

Personalized Healthcare

Improving the Human Condition

Judy  improves preventative care outcomes and task performance by simplifying complex decision-making through the AI interactions and data. 

Eean  Patterson

Eean Patterson

Founder & CEO

“Our goal is to build and AI solution that creates fruitful outcomes for People and Business big or small.”

Our team members

Bessie Cooper Marketing Specialist
Jamie Cole Marketing Manager
Marvin McKinney​ COO @ SpaceCraft
Dianne Russell​ VP Sales @ Clima

Do you have any questions? Our team will be happy to assist.

Ask about Judy products, pricing, implementation, or anything else. Our highly trained reps are standing by, ready to help.